All Cars qualify for ASC Powertrain Service. Drive off the lot with the peace of mind that comes with a dependable warranty plan. Ask how and Prices.
Auto Services Company, Inc.™ is a nationally recognized name with an excellent reputation that dates back to 1986.
Our wide range of terms and levels of coverage give you the flexibility to pick a plan that meets your needs and your budget. We are accepted by most major finance sources, which gives you the freedom to finance our protection plan with your vehicle purchase.
All Cars qualify for ASC Powertrain Service. Drive off the lot with the peace of mind that comes with a dependable warranty plan. Ask how and Prices.
CarFax reports are available for review.
Exclusionary Coverage offers so much protection that it’s easier to explain what it doesn’t cover. All parts of a vehicle covered under the manufacturer’s basic factory warranty, except for parts specifically listed under the “Exclusions From Coverage” section of the contract, are covered. It’s the ultimate in worry-free protection.
Stated Component Coverage covers the parts and systems explicitly listed on your contract. If a component is included in the plan you have selected, we will cover the cost of parts and labor so you can get back on the road quickly.